Newcastleton Community Trust, Community Council, Business Forum, Polysport, Golf Club, No. 8 and Agricultural Society (Holm Show) are all seeking your views on what community needs will be over the next 3-5 years. Recent legislation gives communities more powers to have a say in their future – and act on it. We wish to know your views on a number of projects that we believe will improve the lives of everyone in Newcastleton and District
In order to seek funding to achieve these ambitions we need to be able to demonstrate support, your response to this questionnaire is important.
We wish to hear from as wide a range of local people as possible. Please spend a few moments answering this questionnaire, your views will shape how these projects get delivered.
Please ask as many people as possible in your household to answer the survey, it is important that we capture the needs across all ages.
Thank you for your time. The survey is open until noon on Friday 31st August.