Newcastleton & District Community Trust


Tuesday 9th July 2019

7pm in supper room, Newcastleton Village Hall


To adopt resolutions in respect of changes to the Articles of Association:

In the interests of open membership, and compliance with current funding criteria, the Directors propose the following special resolutions for acceptance:

  • To amend the Company’s Articles of Association dated 24th October 2018 to bring it in line with model Articles that comply with the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 (as amended by section 37 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015), as approved by Scottish Ministers and OSCR.
  • To increase the maximum number of Directors to 11, and require the directors to appoint annually after the AGM an Ordinary Member aged between 16 and 25 years as a director, who will represent the interests of younger members of the Community.

You can view the full set of articles with proposed amends here


  • A copy of the proposed new Articles is available to view on the website and on request from the directors.
  • The changes will allow the organisation to take full advantage of the latest legislation for community empowerment.
  • The Objects of the organisation remain unchanged.
  • The area of benefit for Newcastleton and environs remains unchanged.
  • The criteria for membership remain unchanged and membership continues to be free of charge.


Buccleuch House, 4 South Hermitage Street, Newcastleton. TD9

Company No:  SC515720      Scottish Charity No: SC045988