Our Aims

Economic Benefits; Generate wealth in the local community.

To tackle dereliction and decay, preserve and enhance our local environment.

Create environmentally sound solutions for local problems, providing leadership within the community through self-help activities and initiatives combating social problems.

Holm Hill Path Planning Report - April 2024 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION NDCT (updated 2019)

Where to find us:

Buccleuch House,
4 South Hermitage Street
Scottish Borders,

NDCT Case Study by Community Land Scotland

A short summary of our achievements since we started in 2015. Looking back much has been accomplished, we are currently working hard on the next phase of community development on Holm Hill and look forward to sharing that with everyone as elements evolve.

“We are locked in our small parcel of land and want to create a better, more sustainable life for our grandchildren, owning land and assets enables us to do that” Chair, Greg Cuthbert

We could not have achieved all that we have without the support of our community and all our funding partners to whom we say thank you.

Newcastleton & District Community Trust Case Study

Sign up for Membership

If you live in the Newcastleton and Upper Liddesdale & Heritage District Council areas, you can become a member of NDCT.

It is free to join you must live within the boundary and be 16 or over to join.

We are happy to welcome supporters to be added to our mailing list who will receive updates about what we are doing.

Become a trustee SIGN UP NOW


Newcastleton & District Community Trust AGM

No8 Club, Montague Street



Minutes of previous AGM

Acting Chair’s opening remarks

Secretary report

Financial Report

Call for new Trustees


BREAK refreshments & nibbles courtesy of Innov8 members and team

SHOWCASING  Innov8’s new community safety film

Overview of Holm Hill development:

Update on Paths & Walks, implications of SPEN proposals

Flood mitigation initiatives using Nature Based Solutions



DOWNLOAD AGM AGENDA Accounts will be available here to view prior to the meeting DOWNLOAD Minutes

Newcastleton & District Community Trust

Newcastleton & District Community Trust is a membership organisation, formally established on September 16th, 2015. It is registered in Scotland. Co Ltd by Guarantee no SC515720. Scottish Charity no. SC045988.

Join our team  NDCT is hugely reliant on community volunteers to manage the organisation, workload continues to increase, we are dependant on them to support the work of paid staff to directing strategy and providing focus to the organisation. 

If you love where we live and wish to see our community continue to flourish and thrive please consider joining us as a Trustee or a volunteer.  The first step is to sign up for membership (below) and the next is to get in touch, thankyou. secretary@newcastletoncommunitytrust.co.uk.

BECOME A TRUSTEE AND JOIN THE BOARD Nomination to Board 2024-25

About Newcastleton & District Community Trust

NEWCASTLETON is a small remote rural community of 762 people, we refer to ourselves as a landlocked island, often cut off from neighbours due to power cuts, road closures or weather events.  As a result, we are a tough, resilient tight-knit community who work collaboratively to get things done. 

Newcastleton & District Community Trust was formed in 2015.  It is a membership organisation open to all aged 16+ within catchment of Newcastleton and Upper Liddesdale & Hermitage.  A geographic region of 1,200 square miles.

Priorities are set by local people for the benefit of the whole community and all our projects are based on sustainable outcomes. 

Principles of dignity, fairness and respect are built into all aspects of our engagement process and service delivery. We are a Charity and a Ltd Company. 

We aim to:

  • Regenerate of the community by the maintenance or improvement of the physical, social, and economic infrastructure
  • Assist people who are at a disadvantage because of their social and economic circumstances through the provision of localised services and support
  • Provide leadership within the community, developing initiatives that make us fit for the future
  • Advance educational and recreational opportunities by developing strategic community spaces and facilitating development programmes and activities
Community Consultations FAIR WORK POLICY

Achievements and performance April 2023- Mar 2024

Trustees focus has been on implementing the outcomes of the previous community consultations; creating and planting a new woodland at  planning and consulting on existing path/trails and developing new ones to augment and complement the established network.  Once completed this will enhance and add value to our tourism assets as well as provide new perspectives and routes for the community.

Much effort has gone into designing and scoping the Active Leisure Hub on Holm Hill.  The multi-use facility is designed to host events to serve the active leisure marketplace as well as local needs.  It is ideally suited to exploit the new Kirkpatrick Coast to Coast road user now seen regularly crossing the Holm Hill. The location provides a spectacular panoramic view of the Liddesdale valley overlooking the community, making this an appealing venue for new outdoor related events as well as community uses.  The new community garden and gathering site below this incorporates accessible paths and shorter meandering walks.  The community have yet to decide on planting, but we hope to tackle this as soon as funding/resources are available.

Unfortunately, development work was halted on submitting the Active Leisure Hub for planning permission when it became apparent that the cost of connecting the capital build program to the grid network would be substantial making this financially unviable until Scottish Power invest in the village infrastructure. This work was due to be completed this year but has not been started and no timeframe from them has been provided to complete this. This is not the first time the Trust has been thwarted in its aims to deliver regeneration and build sustainable business models locally. Until Scottish Power Distribution make their upgrade plans known for the community this barrier also impacts on other development initiatives in the pipeline. 

Ongoing cost of living rises continue to have serious impact on many, community services continue to be in demand.  However,  momentum behind our youth initiative Innov8 continues to grow and this is going from strength to strength; we continue to see regular attendance of young people in both the Tue and Fri drop-in sessions. 

None of our achievements would be possible without the support of our staff team who continue to go above and beyond to help when its needed.  The range of service provision has expanded and we regularly host legal clinics to glass making workshops. Buccleuch House now definitely feels like home,  its warm friendly environment welcomes many of you from young and old and even though its only 2 yrs old we often comment how did we ever manage with out it!

Trustees and staff continue to strive to try to maintain current services but we also need your support to do this. If you would like to find out more about what is on offer or to volunteer to support what we do,  then please do come and talk to us.  We would like to do more but resources hold us back.

Financial review once approved at the AGM to be held on Tue 3rd Dec 2024 the approved accounts can be found here.

NDCT 2023-24 Accounts

Board of Directors

The current Board of Directors:

Barry Patterson, acting Chair lives and works locally and is often found out on the hills – his day job is land management. He is our ‘go-to’ ask when we need advice on what to do with land parcels, forestry, and many other land-related issues. 

Barbara Elborn, Secretary lives on the outskirts of Newcastleton village. Passionate about the village and its people she plays an active role in the community,  Barbara is current secretary of Newcastleton & District Community Trust.

Margaret Elliot of Redheugh, Vice Chair 29th Chief of Clan Elliot. Deputy Lieutenant of Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale. Trustee of Boswell Trust, Sir Arthur Eliott Memorial Trust, Roxburghshire Landward Trust. Member of the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs.

Peter Irving, lives in the heart of the village with his wife Fiona.  Peter is an active community volunteer often seen astride the grass cutter maintaining the greens and fairways at the golf club and community playing fields.  An electrical engineer by trade he plays a valuable role in helping the trust make the right decisions about how to tackle decarbonisation.

Robert Leishman or Bert runs Border Autos located in the heart of the village and loves nothing better than tinkering under bonnets! 

George Porteous  George moved to the village 2022 with his wife Carol,  originally from Newcastleton.  He spent his professional career in the Refinery and Petrochemical sectors, George is now actively involved in supporting the Trust achieve its aims.  He brings his experience and insights in managing large capital projects, valuable to the organisation helping us to plan more effectively.

We are happy to be contacted for further information or to answer any questions you may have:
